Science, technology, engineering, and math or STEM subjects can be some of the most challenging, but they can also be among the most creative. Studies have shown the countless benefits of STEM education for children.
There are a variety of STEM activities that can engage your child in learning. But, if you’d like to avoid the mess and still encourage your kids to learn more about STEM topics, consider grabbing a book.
Yes! Helping your child grasp some of the concepts in these subject areas can be as easy as reading a book. Here are some of the best STEM books for kids that they will love reading.
Children’s Science Books
Curiosity and discovery are essential parts of the learning process. They are also a key component of the scientific method. Here are some STEM books for kids that can get your children thinking about science in a new way.
Fairy Science
By Ashley Spires
Introduce your child to the scientific method in a fun way in this fairy story. The main character, Esther is a fairy who believes in science but cannot convince her fairy friends about the scientific facts in the world. Her friends would rather believe in magic. But when one of the trees in the forest starts to die, the fairies decide to use magic, but Esther looks at it as an opportunity to show her friends how science can help. Fairy Science is one of the top children’s science books.
Tomie dePaola’s The Quicksand Book
by Tomie dePaola
Quicksand is one of the strangest things in our world and this book examines the reality of quicksand. In this story, Jungle Girl falls into some quicksand. Rather than rescuing her, Jungle Boy explains what quicksand is, how it’s formed, etc. All the while Jungle Girl sings lower and lower.
Ask a Scientist
by Robert Winston
Kids will have fun reading all these quirky questions and answers about science and discoveries that have been made. There are over a hundred funny queries tackled in this book, including, do dogs cry, why is the sky blue, why are their bubbles in boiling water, and why are freckles dots on your face? Learn more about the world around us and help spark curiosity in your kids.
How We Got to Now
by Steven Johnson
Delve into the story behind the discoveries with Steven Johnson. He encourages kids to question the gadgets and discoveries that we often take for granted such as eyeglasses, refrigeration, and clocks. The book also looks at how these discoveries have impacted society, like how the creation of air conditioning has allowed people to live in different parts of the world that would be uninhabitable without the cooling appliance. It’s one of the children’s science books that is a must-have.
Secret Coders
By Gene Luen Yang and illustrated by Mike Holmes
At Stately Academy there are mysteries that are just waiting to be solved. Friends Hopper and Eni are determined to solve the clues and puzzles left behind by the school’s founder. This book introduces kids to the exciting world of programming and logic puzzles to tickle their minds.
The Crayon Man: The True Story of the Invention of Crayola Crayons
By Natascha Biebow
Kids love to color and the number one tool they use to create pictures is Crayons. But it wasn’t always that way. Children of the past did not have a way to bring color to their creations. In this story, children learn how crayons were invented and how the lives of children all over the world were changed by this invention.
Math Books for Kids
Math is one of the core subjects in every grade. While some kids love the topic, others struggle. Yet, math skills are important to have. These STEM books for kids can help your students gain an appreciation for math.
Math Curse
by Jon Scieszka, illustrated by Lane Smith
Everyday problems are presented in this cute, fun story where a child is presented with several different math problems they need to solve. From planning out the 10 things that need to get done before the school bus leaves in 30 minutes to deciding why you can’t keep 10 cookies without someone taking three away. Math curse follows the story of a girl who figures out how to break the curse.
Count on Me
by Miguel Tanco
Mastering math starts with learning to count, which is just what the heroine in this story does. She loves math so much that she sees it everywhere she looks, in a stone at the lake, shapes in the playground, and more. This story demonstrates the beauty and wonder of math as well as celebrates the uniqueness of us all.
Peg + Cat: The Race Car Problem
Written and illustrated by Jennifer Oxley and Billy Aronson
One of the most engaging math books for kids, these two characters from a popular cartoon series put their math skills to the test when they decide to enter a car race. Your kids will love how the pair use math to solve the problem of building the best race car.
Annika Riz, Math Whiz
Written by Claudia Mills and illustrated by Rob Shepperson
Annika Riz loves math but her friends don’t feel the same way. At the school carnival, Annika notices that the booth is losing money. Can her math skill save the day and change her friends’ minds about the subject?
The Miscalculations of Lightning Girl
By Stacy McAnulty
Lucy Callahan gained superpowers after being struck by lightning. The experience left her with super genius math capabilities. She’s so smart that she is preparing to attend college at just 12 years old. But her grandmother gives her a challenge. Go to middle school for one year, make one friend, join one activity and read one book. It’s a challenge that changes Lucy’s life.
When the reading is done and you’re looking for new and fun ways to continue your child’s STEM learning adventure, consider one of Engineering For Kids’ workshops and camps. We have various locations so you’ll be able to find one near you.