
Accessibility Notice

Accessibility Notice

We are auditing our website to discover ways in which we can improve accessibility and navigability. To provide the highest level of service to all our customers and potential customers, we are auditing our website against the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 – the most current website accessibility guidelines.

Once complete, we will be able to take steps to enact any changes, if necessary, to ensure every part of the website is navigable and viewable by non-graphical, text-only browsers, which improves usability and accessibility. We thank you for your patience and understanding while our site undergoes this extensive technical audit.

Date First Added: July 23, 2018

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Out of This World Reviews

Jo P.

It's fun and educational, it provides opportunities to kids and teaches them about life.

Kyleigh T.

Engineering For Kids classes are so fun and you get to learn new things about engineering each day.

Sang K.

It's like a playground for their mind!

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